⭐ Happy New Year
may 2025 be one of Justice, Generosity, and Love⭐
Theatre of the Oppressed
Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) is a theatrical, co-creative, justice oriented, and revolutionary experience, one where a person can develop skills that can be applied when they witness or are confronted by social injustices.
TO is a powerful tool for healing communities and breaking cycles of oppression, one that can empower
and engage individuals and groups for communication and problem solving.
Jiwon Chung, director- scholar-activist, is a skilled facilitator who leads participants into a variety of techniques, games, and practices using theater as a vehicle for transforming individuals and their communities toward positive social and political change.
In a word :
Democracy Now, Amy Goodman interviews Augusto Boal:
This is a beautiful expression of how theater can heal:
Beautiful Trouble: A Toolbox for Revolution