⭐ Happy New Year
may 2025 be one of Justice, Generosity, and Love⭐
* Services * Songs *
*Sermons *
I hope you enjoy the offerings listed below.
The links are attached to underlined headings.
All services were presented to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Santa Cruz County unless other wise noted.
‘Tis the Yule season when we honor the longest night with story, music, and a Spiral Dance.
(To skip the introduction, start at 7:02 for the song Holy and Ivy. The message begins at 8:27)
Honoring Our Beloved Mother Earth
This morning we celebrate Earth Day and sing the praises of this beloved planet. Let us join together in the call for Earth Justice and put our efforts toward "respect for the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part."
Spring arrives as a renewal of Earthly beauty and this morning spring brings a renewal of Spirit. Join us in contemplation of what you will grow with this wild and precious life.
In recent history much has been achieved in the ways of equality and justice, yet so much more is needed. It makes one wonder: I the goal of "liberty and justice for all" actually achievable?
The Value of Care is Invaluable
What is most valuable in our culture cannot be monetized because care, tenderness, service, and loving kindness are beyond the designation of dollars and cents -- they are of the heart and of the soul.
That Transcending Mystery
and Wonder
...which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces that create and uphold life, is the first Source of the Unitarian Universalist Covenant.
(This recording is a bit choppy because our Zoom connection was unstable. If you would like to have the transcripts for my message, go to contact me and let me know :-)
Accolades: "Your service entitled, "A Good Death" was incredibly powerful and moving. I have always looked at death only through the lens of loss but after that experience, I was able to begin the process of re-framing death as a gift; albeit, a painful one. I am so very appreciative of the work that you do in our community." --Candice
Riffing on Rumi's poem, The Guest House, let us consider setting aside our own comfort to make room for the unknown and the spiritual practice of Namaste.
The Winged Heart: Sufi Teachings
Join us this morning as we explore Universal Sufism, past and present. Over 100 years ago Hazrat Inayat Khan traveled with his family in an effort to unite the spiritual traditions of the east and west.
Worship leaders: Gitanjali Lori Rivera and
Rev Terra Collier-Young (my part starts at time stamp 11:50)
Woman's Reproductive Choice
and Body Autonomy
KSQD radio conversation hosted by Suki Wessling and Christine Barrington with Rabbi Paula Marcus (Temple Beth El), Pastor Dave Pattee (Peace United Church of Christ), and myself representing Unitarian Universalism, discussing the important topic of Reproductive Rights and Choice and how our faith, our sacred scripture, and denominations support a woman's rights and body autonomy regarding pregnancy, without interference or coercion from government or religion. To listen, follow this link to KSQD Radio archives
Mutuality as a Means Towards Justice
Mutual regard is a cornerstone of respectful and collaborative relationships. This morning we will look into how this is expressed in our UU commitment to justice.
On Inclusivity
There is much to consider when addressing inclusivity, and that includes its opposite, exclusivity.
Imaginal Cells and Cultural Transformation
What comes to mind when you contemplate the term “Imaginal Cells” in the context of cultural transformation? This morning we will explore just that!
Collaborative Covent Writing for Community Ministers and Congregations
a workshop for
UUA General Assembly, 2021
This amazing stole was co-created by Karen Holmgren and myself, and you can find her art at this website: https://www.kmhsewing.com.
Droplets and the Ways of Water
Rev. Ryan Althaus and Rev. Terra wade into a stream of spirituality, attending to our mind, body, and spirit after a week of challenging news. You are invited to have with you a bowl of water for the meditation.
On Spirit & Soul
Spirit of Life is a beloved song that sings to the spiritual side of Unitarian Universalism, when we will look deep within ourselves, exploring what that term means to us as a religion, as a community, and as individuals
(You may want to skip the "Announcements" and begin watching from the "Prelude" music video)
On Darkness
Darkness and dark things have been given a bad-rap! Our vernacular has subconsciously used dark to mean something undesirable and harmful, often with unintended negative consequences. In this sermon we will look again at darkness and find its sacred beauty, with an invitation for quiet reflection as the seasons transition from Autumn to Winter.
The Shifting Sands of Paradigm,
Part 2
I began an exploration about a paradigm shift brought on by the pandemic and the current civil rights movement, asking, “How do we turn this paradigm shift into a spiritual practice?”
The Shifting Sands of Paradigm,
Part 1
Life on Earth and in the United States is changing in tremendous ways, and when a paradigm shifts, it leaves room for potential. How shall we engage it? This morning we will contemplate our part as the co-creators of our culture. To just see the sermon, begin at 49:38
Easter~Ostara: Growing Our Spirits
Honoring the fertility of this spring season is as perennial as the grass. This morning we will touch into the depth of how we can grow our spiritual practice in the time of “sheltering in place.” You are invited to bring a flower, leaf, or any kind of plant with you to the service for a meditation.
Communication and Shared Humanity
How we talk with each other, or about others, reveals much of our worldview and every conversation is an opportunity to engage our shared humanity with respect, compassion, and genuine listening to understand.
Unitarian Universalism
Meets Process Theology
Process Theology and is a complementary theological thought for Unitarian Universalism and these modern times. Process thought holds up the fact that all life is relational, all actions have reactions, and we are empowered when we are mindful in our choices.
Presented at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos, CA
On Imbolc and Darkness
This sermon is a shared pulpit with Rev Russ Menk,
Senior Minister of the UUFSCC, and myself; first half is Russ, the second half is me and can be found at time point 8:38
Exploring our cultures distrusting relationship with darkness, our infatuation with light, and how crucial it is that we bring these natural essences back into balance.
Storytelling Performance
"The call to ministry haunted my periphery
for most of my adult life..."
Honoring Martin Luther King, JR, and correlating his teachings with the first UU Principle: "The inherent worth and dignity of every person"... including people we do not like!
Starr King School for the Ministry
Commencement Ceremony, May 2017
"Who can say if I've been changed for the better,
Baby Blessing
Baby Blessing for a family in my dance community, a heartfelt experience for all, giving attendees a real sense of the expression,
"It takes a village to raise a child."
"We Are" sung by YaMei and Terra,
written by Ysaye M Barnwell